My Three Miracles

My Three Miracles
Look how cute we are

Monday, December 6, 2010

What a Great Day Today

What a great day it startred when i got home from work at 4:00, we made frozen pizzas for diner. After we ate we made gingerbread cookies and decorated them to eat at our movie.
We all snuggles on the copuch with blankets and whatched disneys Sorcerer,s apprentice. What a great movie and great feeling of all snuggling together.
Does it get any better then this!!!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

To Infinity

March 09 2007

Far more wiser then his age.

Tonight as we were watching a movie, a man in the movie was dying. Hayden started to cry and began to express his feelings of wishing he didn't loose his Grampa Bruce and Grampa Doug. He said how much he misses them and then questions me "Am I gonna die too one day"? How Do I begin to anwer these questions to a 4 year old when I as an adult do not wanna face them or answer them myself. This is one of those time when the truth hurts to much to tell and I'd rather protect him from it.

So My Dear Sweet Hayden, as far as I'm concerned as your Mother, no matter what the future holds tomorrow or 100 years from now we will always be together as a family. I Love you, C.j and Hailey with all my heart either here on Earth or in Heaven we will be together.

Till Infinity.

Love Mommy

P.S. I sure miss Grampa Bruce and Grampa Doug with all my heart too!!!!!

My 1st Post, to you my Three Miracles

February 27 2007

Our 1st Blog entry to follow the journey of raising 3 kids into productive humans and the "everyday stuff"

Here's the past few years in a Nut shell.

C.J. is now 7. I would say he is very independent, caring, popular at school, creative and kind. He is a typical kid.
He loves to play lacrosse and is the "all-star" goalie his # is 01. In his spare time he can be found battling pokeman and yu-gi-oh cards, or calling friends to come over and play. He also has a passion for helping out sick and poor people he's always asking to donate money and help out charities when ever he can. C.j is allergic to peanuts, egg white, pet furr and dust, he's lost 3 teeth and has had tubes put in his ears 2 weeks ago.
He is 48" tall and weighs 48 pouds!!! A healthy active young man.

Hailey is 4 years old and is the oldest of the twins. I would describe her has sweet, caring, soft spoken, crafty, artistic and cuddly. She loves her blankie and sippy still. She enjoys colouring, going to dance, putting on makeup and nail polish and having her back scratched!!!!! She has the cutest way of saying things still like "me wuv u mommy" AAHHH She is 38 pounds and is also very healthy. And she can often be found cleaning up like her mommy. Hailey may also be known as Princess, Harry Hailey or Blondie

Hayden is the youngest "twinner" he is 4 also. He is the "handsome man". Also very caring, sensitive, smart for his age, shy and creative, he's a story teller (just ask about his gramma in China and his Grampa in Africa). He is very concerned about others all the time and is a little worrier. He loves to play play-do ride his bike and play guitar hero. He is 39 pounds and very healthy. He loves to also play lacrosse. He is mommy's little side kick who requires a hug every hour hehe. But I sure don't mind :)

I plan to keep this site updated as a way of "keeping a journal" to help remember OUR journey as a family. With a busy lifestyle and 3 kids it's so easy to forget.
So this is for you 3 !!!!
Mommy loves you with all my heart, each of you for who you are. Some spend their life trying to find there purpose....I've found mine!!!!! Being your mom is rewarding, a privilage and an honour so Thank You for choosing me as your mommy. Your the reason for my life and why my heart beats. I look forward to our moments now as well seeing who you become in the future.

Love Mommy XOXOXO